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  • Total Knee Replacement

    Total Knee Replacement

    Joint conditions such as arthritis may cause damage to the cartilage and bones leading to chronic pain in the hip and/or disability.

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  • Revision Knee Replacement

    Revision Knee Replacement

    Dr. Jennings can diagnosis and treat these conditions which may include a revision knee replacement surgery.

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  • Unicompartmental/Partial Knee Replacement

    Unicompartmental/Partial Knee Replacement

    Dr. Jennings specializes in partial (unicompartmental) knee replacement surgery.

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  • Robotic Assisted Knee Replacement

    Robotic assisted total knee replacement surgery is state-of -the-art technology that helps the surgeon evaluate the damaged knee joint and use date to achieve the most accurate bone cuts. Dr. Jennings uses this technology for his partial knee replacement surgeries.

  • Computer Navigation for Total Knee Replacement

    Computer navigated assisted surgery is state-of-the-art technology that helps the surgeon evaluate the damaged knee joint and use date to achieve the most accurate bone cuts. Dr. Jennings uses this technology for his knee replacement surgeries.

  • Minimally Invasive Knee Joint Replacement

    Dr. Jennings performs his knee replacement surgeries using a minimally-invasive technique. This technique may allow for a faster recovery in most patients.

  • Complex Total Knee Replacement

    Dr. Jennings specializes in total knee replacements in patients with severe arthritis. This includes patients who have had many surgeries in the past or have complex deformities of the knee or lower extremity.

  • Rapid Recovery Knee Replacement

    Rapid recovery knee replacement is an innovative and minimally invasive surgical procedure to replace a damaged knee joint with a prosthesis. It is associated with minimizing post-operative pain and discomfort and a shorter recovery time. The surgery can often be performed as an outpatient procedure.

  • Outpatient Total Knee Replacement

    Outpatient Total Knee Replacement

    Dr. Jennings performs outpatient (same day) partial and total knee replacement surgery for patients who qualify. He and his team will help determine if you are a good candidate for this type of discharge. For those who are not, your hospital stay will typically be 24-36 hours.

  • American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons
  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • The Knee Society
  • Operation Walk USA
  • Advent health
  • Advent health
  • Advent health